Here at Dynamic Security Solutions, we strive to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees and everyone else working with us. We know health is a matter of life and death, so we adhere to the health & safety policy at Work Act 1974. However, we know our legal obligation to maintain a safe and healthy workplace.

As an employer, we acknowledge the general duties of this Act and subsequent health and safety regulations. Therefore, we strive to take practical measures to ensure:

  • Provide adequate resources to ensure health and safety.
  • We do risk assessments and analyses regularly to ensure they are current and appropriate for use.
  • Deliver and maintain safe work plans that do not pose any health risks.
  • Provide employees with the required information, guidance, training, and supervision to ensure their workplace safety and health.
  • Carry out health surveillance as needed.
  • Ensure that all equipment supplied remains in a safe state.
  • Make proper provisions for welfare facilities at work.
  • Monitor safety performance to maintain agreed-upon criteria.

What duties does the employee perform?

Here are the duties that employees should perform:

  • Take appropriate precautions for their own health and safety, as well as the safety.
  • Do not interfere with, misuse, or intentionally damage anything supplied for health and safety purposes.
  • Collaborate with others in the organisation to achieve our legal requirements regarding health and safety.
  • Report any incidents or near misses to the Site Supervisor or Line Manager, no matter how slight.
  • Cooperate completely in any investigations done to avoid such occurrences from occurring again.

How do we make sure our policy works?

We aim to keep everyone safe and healthy while they’re working with us. However, to make sure our health and safety policy works well, we will:

  • Review it every year or when there are big changes in our business.
  • Let our employees know about any changes we make.
  • Keep procedures in place for all staff to discuss health, safety, and well-being.


Contractors working with us must adhere to the laws and regulations that govern their work. Hence, they are responsible for the safety of their own employees and for ensuring that the task is completed safely.

Consultation and Training

We focus on including all employees in maintaining high health and safety standards. We provide comprehensive introduction training. Supervisors perform frequent inspections to ensure that officers on duty are safe and follow the guidelines. Hence, concerns are promptly conveyed to superiors. Personal visits, emails, and memos communicate changes in safety procedures.

At the same time, we provide further training as needed, including topics like personal protective equipment (PPE), safety gear, manual handling, and machine operation. However, we record each employee’s training information. If site instructions change, our personnel act accordingly.

Risk Assessments

Our Health & Safety Policy Coordinator conducts and documents official risk evaluations. Employees also do continuous risk assessments at work. We identify hazards and design methods to limit risk to everyone. If employees encounter unanticipated hazards, they seek assistance. Our company’s CEO ensures operators learn how to safely conduct risk assessments.

Security Surveys/Welfare Facilities

Prior to any action, a competent representative from our firm performs a thorough site survey. This research analyses potential security issues as well as the welfare amenities that on-site personnel require, such as adequate base facilities, bathrooms, heaters, and lighting.

Method/Mission Statements

We prepare formal method statements (safe working procedures/assignment instructions) for high-risk jobs. These method statements provide extensive information on the activity, such as the site setup chain of duty, to ensure that it is carried out safely.

Co-operation with Clients

When our employees come on-site, they always familiarise themselves with the client’s procedures. It involves understanding basic site access, emergency protocols, and any high-risk employment responsibilities. We consistently adhere to client site rules and specific instructions to ensure seamless collaboration.

Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.)

We supply personnel with personal protective equipment (PPE) as needed for their job activities. Before supplying PPE, we provide instructions on its proper usage, storage, and maintenance. When employees receive their equipment, they sign a record, which we maintain on file in a physical copy. 

It is critical that staff wear PPE as stipulated in site regulations, risk assessments, and method statements. They should report to the supervisors if any fault occurs in the equipment.

First Aid & Accident Reporting

We guarantee that proper first aid is provided at all of our sites. Each first aid box should contain a label. It makes that easily accessible to all personnel throughout working hours.

All accidents must be reported to the Site Supervisor/line manager, and the facts are documented in the accident book held at our headquarters. Serious incidents requiring hospitalisation are quickly reported to the Health and Safety Advisor.

We follow requirements by reporting any accidents, industrial illnesses, and risky events. Employees are expected to report any injuries to their supervisor/line manager as soon as possible after receiving care.

Each first aid box shall be suitably marked and be easily accessible to all employees at all times when they are at work.

Accident Investigation

At our organisation, we take accident investigation very seriously. It is our policy to examine all incidents that result in any reportable injury or asset loss, regardless of severity, as well as any near misses. 

Employees should know that health and safety enforcement authorities may visit our facilities without prior appointment at any reasonable time to ensure compliance with the law. If they detect a scenario that might result in significant harm or death, they may enter our facilities at any moment. We will completely collaborate with them.

We also work together with our insurers to lower our premiums. If they offer risk-reduction recommendations, we will follow them as far as is reasonable. 

We prioritise safety by conducting thorough accident investigations and engaging with the authorities and insurance.

Hazardous Substances

Understanding Hazchem signs is crucial for Security Officers to ensure safety when dealing with hazardous materials. These signs provide vital information, including:

  • An emergency code for the substance, enabling Emergency Services to take appropriate action during emergencies.
  • A unique V.N. The number for the product facilitates identification.
  • Hazard warning symbols, depicted on a white or coloured background, indicate hazardous properties such as oxidising, toxins, or corrosives.
  • Contact telephone number for additional specific information.

Hazards can include biological, chemical, or physical threats, such as fire or explosion.

In the event that such materials are delivered to our site, Assignment Instructions will provide full data sheets with substance information. This also applies to the on-site storage of these items. 

Furthermore, vehicle drivers transporting hazardous compounds must carry written information on the material, its danger features, and emergency procedures to be followed. 

Security Officers play an important role in safeguarding everyone’s safety by knowing Hazchem warnings and following health & safety policy standards. 

Fire Safety & Emergency Procedures

Our organisation focuses on worker safety by taking into account fire threats. Everyone is responsible for reducing the risk of fire by adopting specific measures. 

This includes: 

  • Adhering to our no-smoking policy. 
  • Keeping flammable items away from probable sources of ignition. 
  • Preventing the needless buildup of flammable materials. 

In the event of a fire alarm or any other emergency, such as a bomb threat, all personnel must promptly vacate the premises by the nearest exit. Once outdoors, everyone should meet at the specified assembly place. 

By being proactive and adhering to these processes, we ensure a safer working environment for everyone. Your safety is our top priority. 

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